The First "Fruits" of My Labor
I harvested my first crop today! Ok, so maybe it's not considered a crop but I grew it in my own garden and you can eat it. I consider that a success... except I haven't tasted it yet.What am I talking about? Garlic scapes! Yes, those curly green things are garlic scapes. Basically they are the flower stems of a garlic plant. While that may not sound appetizing, as soon as I clipped the first one off I smelled the wonderful aroma of pure strong garlic. Yum!
I don't think I have ever tried a scape before so what do I do? Head to the internet! Well, send DH (dear husband) to the internet. He found this site which has a "garlic scape pesto" which sounded pretty good. The best part is that you can freeze it for later. That was important because I had already cut the scapes and didn't have many other ingredients on hand. (Oops!)
Recipe: Garlic Scape Pesto
Excerpted From “The Meat Lover’s Meatless Cookbook” by Kim O'Donnel by arrangement with Da Capo Lifelong, a member of the Perseus Books Group. Copyright 2010.Ingredients
- 1 cup garlic scapes (8 or 9 scapes), top flowery part removed, cut into 1⁄4-inch slices
- 1⁄3 cup walnuts
- 3⁄4 cup olive oil
- 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
- 1⁄2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
- Ground black pepper
Here’s What to Do
- Slowly drizzle in the oil and process until integrated.
- With a rubber spatula, scoop the pesto out of the bowl and into a mixing bowl.
- Add Parmigiano- Reggiano and salt and pepper to taste.
- Keeps for up to one week in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
- Also freezes well; add the cheese after the pesto has thawed.
Makes about 3⁄4 cup.
Here I am with the garlic scape pesto in a baggie ready to be frozen!
Since DH made me pose with the pesto, it is only fair that I also post a picture of him. Here he is looking handsome with Eva, attentive as always.
She was sulking a little though because she didn't get to try the pesto. No garlic for puppies! It is toxic to them!