Pin Board Map
As an avid traveler, my dad has always liked maps. I have heard him mention a few times that he would like a wall map that he could put pins in showing the places where he has traveled. The DIY'er in me asked "I could make that, right?" Sure, why not.One thing: the map was 3ft x 4ft. Frames that size run around $60-$75... not gonna happen. So I needed figure out how to pull all the parts together myself.
1. The Backing: I got some masonite for the backing... the same type of stuff that peg boards are made out of, just without the holes. The nice guys at the local home improvement store cut it to the perfect size for me, so I didn't even need to mess with the scary circular saw! Part one down.
2. Backing part 2: Next problem? Pins won't stick in pegboard material because it is too dense. Hmmm what do pins usually stick into?...cork. I know they make those sheets of cork you can roll out or squares you can stick to the wall, but those are way out of the price range for such a large area. It took me a couple days to think of it, but I finally came up with the solution of foam-core board! It is basically two posters with a thin layer of foam between to make it rigid, all less than a quarter inch thick. Perfect!
3. Glue map to foamboard: I ended up using a tri-fold board (stereotypically used for middle school science project reports). It was tall enough, but not quite long enough, so I had to get another board and piece it together. Here is Eva to the right, modeling with it. I used rubber cement since it is non-acidic and wouldn't make the map soggy with glue. It ended up having a couple of slight wrinkles in it, but we will call those stylistic. It goes with the old-time map look.
8. Hang and admire: So this is technically a really, really, really early Christmas (and Father's day and Birthday) present. But I didn't want to wait, and I had room in my car to transport it. So I also brought everything I needed to hang it because I knew it would still be sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall if I didn't. Mom helped match the stain color and decided to do a second coat to make it darker... she was so right. Doesn't it look perfect?!
9. Try to remember all the places you have been and place the pins! Dad got to pinning right away, and here is what his Europe looks like... sheesh!
Finally! Another indoor project complete!