Mudroom Part Three: Painting and Puppy!
My poor Dear Husband (DH), he has been so patient with me through this project. It has only taken me, ohhh 8 weeks or so of having the closet a disaster zone. (Oy!)
Here's why:
2. Remove the plastic "Molly Bolt" wall anchors
3. Patch those holes and all other dings
4. Sand the walls down
5. Clean the walls (----> see cleared out closet with my photo-bombing helper, Eva)
6. Tape up plastic
7. Scrape off popcorn ceiling
8. Patch and sand ceiling
9. Tape off all the trim
10. Prime walls and ceiling
11. Paint ceiling
12. Tape off ceiling
13. Color coat one
14. Color coat two
15. Touch up edges
... looking at that list I'm surprised it only took me 8 weeks!
Well, below is the finished product. The camera/computer makes the color look a bit more yellow-toned than it actually is. Just another reason to never pick out colors from a computer screen. The color I actually used was "Great Green" by Sherwin Williams. I really like the hue, but it might be a little dark for the laundry room, so I may just go with a lighter shade.
Look at that smooth ceiling, love it! (Stay tuned for the full reveal once I get everything installed!)
Take that, color-phobic me! I showed myself that I was brave and went bold!
What I forgot to share is that I got impatient after painting the ceiling and didn't let it cure before taping it off to paint the walls. This resulted in peeling of the paint with the tape and extra touch up work. Ah well, yet another lesson for patience.
Well, during those 8 weeks of painting Eva has been busy too, and not just following me around!
She is just about five and a half months old, and a couple weeks ago she got spayed. Like the trooper she is, we picked her up the next day and she acted like nothing had happened, jumping and prancing all over.
She is a star in puppy class. She knows sit, down, stay, turn around, jump, shake, heel, and high five. We are working on "stand" and roll-over. She is still a little shy of playing with the other dogs, but after a while joins in on the fun.
Hopefully later this week I will have pictures of the finished closet, and maybe even some of the seeds I started a few weeks ago. It is just starting to warm up here, and I am getting out to play in the yard whenever I can!
Eva is too cute. I can't wait to meet her! And I love the green color you picked... because I love color :)