So you know that we put up a board and a chair, and she manages to nose them aside and scramble over. (See right)
Then she goes to work on her toys, and here is the result...

The solution is to make the gate taller, right? So I cut a piece of pegboard to size and zip-tied it to the gate. I was convinced this would be the solution, but Eva had other ideas.
While we were gone, in her boredom, she chewed or clawed the side of the board and squeezed through an impossibly small gap and wreaked havoc yet again. Yes, yes she did get through that little gap between the board and the door frame.
Eva's look says, "See Mom, this is what you get when you leave me... if you would just stay, I wouldn't have to do this!"
Today I put the second gate up higher. It is now about 4.5 feet tall, assuming she hasn't already knocked it down. If this doesn't work, I am all out of ideas short of putting the laundry room door back on. But I fear she will just destroy that too since it is a hollow-core door.
She is so smart, she gets bored quickly. We give her toys, water, chew sticks, peanut butter, and outside access through a doggie door to dig holes... but it never fails. A bored puppy is a naughty puppy.
I remember when Oscar turned a little tiny nick in the fake tile in our bathroom into a nice hole. He also shredded some potty pads we left in there with him. Eva is another story though! I can't believe she has escaped from all that!