For us this included at least two feet of snow, and windchill temperatures dropping into the -30's, and snowed in for two full days. Cold like none other! Here are a few pictures to show I am not completely making this up:
See that gray fence in the back? That is a full 6-foot tall fence! The snow drift was up to Dear Husband's waist!
Because the temperature dropped so low, the side door inside of the garage started to frost over.
Dear Husband (DH) and I went a little overboard for Christmas this year, but we budgeted for it. We bought a Nikon DSLR camera for me (hence the nicer looking photos in the blog), and his Christmas/Birthday present was a new full-size piano!
Before, he was playing on a keyboard that didn't even have enough keys. Have I mentioned how AMAZING he is at playing the piano? I guess if you actually practice and take lessons for 12 years that is what you get... but I am still amazed that he can just "pick up" Chopin or Gershwin. Crazy!
With his skills he deserves a real piano, and it is wonderful to hear music through the house.
One of the other gifts I made for our home-made Christmas was candle-teacups. My little sister, SisV, saw them on Pinterest and requested them. I didn't get a chance to take pictures of all the different steps, but the next time I pour candles I will make sure to document it.
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