A couple years ago, with our wedding wedding money, we splurged and bought a fancy toaster.
It is awesome! It has an LCD screen, lots of settings that toast/defrost perfectly, and even a motor to lower and raise the toast instead of a springy-lever thing.
The only problem? Since there is no *sproing* sound to let you know when your toast is done, a buzzer sounds instead. And it is LOUD. Everyone in the house knows when your toast is done.

Since Dear Husband (DH) is an electrical engineer, he of course wanted to take it apart to take the speaker out. The first time he inspected it, he turned it upside-down and all the crumbs fell out on the floor. Bless his heart, he swept up every last one of them.

What he found out was that they used special screws so that you need a special "prong" shaped screwdriver to disassemble it. Well it just so happened that our friend, who is very handy with house repairs, came to visit us this past weekend. We will call him HandyE. (Hopefully he doesn't mind!) He took one of our crummy screwdrivers and ground it down with a dremmel tool to create just the tool we needed.

After that, there was just the "simple" task of unscrewing the housing and removing the circuit boards to find the Piezoelectric buzzer (talk about a fancy schmancy technical term!) Eva always likes to help, and was very good at cleaning the toast crumbs that fell on the floor.

It took a little bit of searching, but he found it and pried it out.

All that noise from such a little thing!

He easily put the toaster back together, and then tested it out. Yes, I grabbed the fire extinguisher from underneath the kitchen sink just in case.
We didn't need it and the bread was toasted perfectly, all without a sound! Success!
We can now have quiet toast in the mornings.
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