Well, I did and I didn't. I wanted sugar snap peas, but I didn't do my research.
Having never grown sugar snap peas before, I didn't realized they were a vine rather than a bush. Oops.
So I quickly improvised a support structure with materials I had on hand. A couple poles and some chicken wire later, and we have a passable pea support. Whew, that was a close one!
Since peas are a spring crop I went ahead and planted them when we had a week of 40-50 degree weather. It seemed like Spring was finally on it's way!
Here you can see the improvised pea support, and the furrow I dug to plant the seeds. As I was planting, I spilled a few seeds and Eva was kind enough to swoop in and clean up my mess, crunching on a dried pea seed before I scooped up the rest. (Oy!)
She always keeps a close eye on what I'm doing!
Anyway, the shallots (left) and garlic (below) have sprouted! They are 4-6" tall already, but I keep straw around them to *try* and protect them from the frosts.
I just sprinkled some Nitrogen-rich fertilizer to help them produce more leaves. More nitrogen = more leaves = more energy from the sun = larger bulbs! But you don't want to apply that kind of fertilizer past the first week of May because then the plant will focus on growing leaves instead of tasty bulbs.
... then the next day it snowed. Ah well, that is the life of gardening in April.
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