Since we bought our house, I have slowly but surely been creating and collecting holiday decorations.
Yes I had some before, but a house is much larger than an apartment which means more space to decorate! I am trying to focus on decorating just 2 or 3 areas for each holiday so I don't drive myself crazy trying to get everything set up before the holiday actually happens.
Each season I try to make / buy 2-3 small decorations so I am picking things I truly like and not just because I feel like I need to fill the space.
As for something crafty, I saw a great idea (on Pinterest of course) to transform wooden letters into a cute door-hanger. I found the letters at Meijer for $2-something a piece, picked up some glitter and ribbon, then headed home to get messy.
Inside my basement spray-booth (a large cardboard box with plastic draped over it) I hung up the letters on a hanger. It took quite a few rounds to do this project because I could only paint one letter at a time and had to re-position and spray paint them multiple times because of all the different sides.
I started with a basic gray primer, then moved on to a semi-gloss black (because I happened to have it on hand already.)
Once I had all the letters primed and painted black, it was time to glitter them!
Then I liberally sprinkled the glitter on, which of course got everywhere!
Below, the "O" is glittered and the "B" is waiting to get it's bling.
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